Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chopper Crashes--A Sign of Something Bigger?

With the recent news chopper crash in Houston, my hometown, it raises the question of the safety and procedures of news choppers. We all love the police chase or the live aerial coverage of a fire or other type of explosion, but how safe are they? Do the proportion of news choppers that crash equal the number of other types of helicopters that crash?

Last year's crash was the result of two helicopters trying to cover the same story from the same position. The pilots were obviously a little too concerned with following the story than not hitting other choppers. This crash is still under investigation, but it definitely raises the question--how much are these employees under pressure to get the story over their own safety?

Maybe this says something even larger about our news organizations (if it turns out that there are proportionately more crashes in the news industry).

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