Monday, October 6, 2008

News War

During our class viewing of "News War," I was delighted to see the typical reactions from those interviewed--excitement and acceptance of anyone as a journalist by those who worked in the online business, and disdain by those in print and television. (Especially enjoyable was seeing Dan Rather marginalize bloggers, the very people who exposed his careless reporting.) Today's class discussion was especially enlightening on the subject.

Especially interesting were the comments made on the current trend of making news entertaining, which Ted Koppel contends is the worst development in modern..., etc., etc. So, we can criticize society and bemoan its waywardness, or we can innovate and find a way to give the consumer what he or she wants, and make it intellectually stimulating at the same time. I for one thoroughly enjoy reading the New York Times every day, because of its smart, deep analysis. I also enjoy an occasional Daily Show--a light serving of news and journalist-mocking. In other words, there is a place for all kinds of news for all kinds of audiences. Sure, we are not watching the evening news (who does, really? I don't know anyone). We aren't subscribing to newspapers. But we are blogging, reading news online, and watching cable news.

There is no real issue to argue. Good or bad, the transition of the news is happening. Follow the audiences, and the media will thrive.

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