Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Newspaper Redesigns

In another bold move by a newspaper, the Hartford Courant is also redesigning its newspaper. Much has been made of the Chicago Tribune's change to the more colorful, USA Today-like feel, but the Courant's change may be even bolder. Here's the change:

In a bold move, the title has been moved to the vertical column on the left, with the new emphasis on the ".com" at the top, to direct people to the website. What a great idea. My local paper, the Houston Chronicle underwent a change around 2005 as well, but I was disappointed by the result:

Besides changing the font of the title, they made the paper considerably shorter and smaller, and each article was less substantial. They tried to make it seem like a great change, but many people were disappointed by the result. Changes are good, but don't sell out your readers.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I miss the old chronicle.